Switching to Tech — A Retrospective After 3 years3 years ago I switched from procurement to tech. Find out what lead to that choice, how I got around to doing it and what was the result.Jun 14, 20221Jun 14, 20221
Le Wagon — 4 Tips and Tricks for Project Week Your TAs Don’t Want You to Know About 🙊You want to use all possible tools to speed up your development process. Here are four tips and tricks your TAs don’t want you to know…Nov 14, 20211Nov 14, 20211
3 Key Concepts for Junior Dev Job InterviewsIn our first guide we looked at how to maximize your chances of landing a job interview for a junior dev position while attending the Le…Dec 13, 2019Dec 13, 2019
Published inLe Wagon TokyoLanding your first job as a dev in Tokyo after Le WagonSo you’ve decided to join Le Wagon to become a developer? Good on you! Being a dev can be very rewarding, but the journey to get there…Sep 10, 2019Sep 10, 2019